Monday, 23 January 2012

2 Examples Of Rock Music Magazines

Kerrang Music Magazine
This music magazine has been running for years now having released its first issue back in 1981 as a one off, but since has been sold weekly and in the early 2000's became the uk's top selling music magaizne. Kerrang use dark colours like red black and white, because the music this magazine covers is all quite dark. They usuall have at least 5 images on their front cover, 1 being the main image, 2nd being to do with one of the inside articles and 3 more images which are free posters.

Classic Rock Magazine

Classic rock magazine has been around for years and covers rock and roll monthly, the magazine published its 150th issue in september 2010 and now has a higher circulation than NME magazine. This magazine is published by "Future Publishing" who also publish classic rocks sister magazine Metal hammer. This magazine has only the one image which is of Axl Rose staring straight at you. Classic Rock magazines main images usually consist of one or two band members who stare straight at you, pulling you in and making a connection with you.

Monday, 9 January 2012

My Music Magazine Proposal.

1) My magazine is going to be a magazine aimed only at rock n' roll fans. I prick have chosen this genre because familiar magazines like Kerrang and NME which do cover Rock n' Roll often spread into other genres like indie and metal. From personal experience me and friends shit in these type of magazines only ever read the 3 or 4 pages covering Rock n' Roll.

2 ) The masthead of my magazine needs to be catchy, smart and also have some connection to the music genre. Innitial ideas include Rock On, Riffs n' Bass and the last being Ampage. All three of these have a connection and are catchy.

3) My main cover image I decided on very early into the music magazine planning. It asshole will feature two of the four members of my friends band Velvetine. The two members i have chosen are lead Vocalist and Lead Guitarist. Both will be stood back to back with their instrument (Microphone and Guitar).

4) My Covers storys will all be relevant to the magazine genre. The main cover line will be Velvetine re-spark glam rock. And will have at least 5 others.

5) My Contents page will be like a normal books contents with page titles and numbers, but the main storys will have pictures next to them.

6) The double page spread i will make will be a interview with velvetine which i plan to do in my free time.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Music Magazine Example

Music Magazine Example
This is an example of a music magazine, from hard rock music channel kerrang. The example is a perfect example of a music magazine. Kerrang is a magazine aimed at an audience of rock and metal fans. Due to this genre of music the audience is a niche audience. The magazine is released once a week, meaning it must sell well every week.

The features that make this music magazine effective, and attractive are......
  1. Main image, is large and is the thing that grabs your eye the most, the person is also very recognisable to the audience that the magazine is aimed at. The man is Gerrard Way who is the front man of the punk outfit My Chemical Romance.
  2. The colour scheme is very attractive to the audience, due to the use of complementeray colours that also match the main image and mast head. Red, black white and yellow.
  3. The Masthead is easy to read and stands out to the reader as the biggest text size of all text on the page.
  4. Simple coverlines, not to many not to few, easy to understand what the magazine contains.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Student Magazine Proposal

This is the proposal for my student magazine. In this proposal I will note all the things I would like to include in my student magazine. From title to main article everything in this is my first main ideas, which will all be crucial to the final product.

·       The title I have decided on is Student Life. I have chose this title for the simple reason that’s what the magazine is about. What could be more appropriate than to call the magazine Student Life. My initial idea was “ U student” But decided against it because it looked childish.

·      My chosen audience Is people who go to college ranging from the ages of 16-20. I have chosen this age group because the majority of people in college are this age.

·      The magazine will be all about general college life, looking at specific lessons each week. The magazine will have sections dedicated to student life problems eg drugs, relationships or bullying.

·      I plan to have five cover lines on the left third. The ideas of cover lines are.
1.   Top 25 revison tips.
2.   Down to earth with physics
3.   A teachers guide to the perfect pencil case.
4.   The pupils top 5 college meals.
5.   The southdowns Low Down.

·      I want to use an informal font in which the colour matches what my main image colours are.

·      I have decided on a tag line saying just after the title. “It’s a Hard Life….”
·      The magazine will be released every week due to the constant change around college.

·      The main image will be a close up on one of my mates, showing his shoulders and up.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Task 3 part 2 - To what extent should magazines be held responsible for the social ramifications of the representations they offer?

Magazines are always aimed at a certain audience, these audiences can range from Toddlers to die hard metal heads. But one thing all magazines have in common is that their loyal fans will believe anything that’s written inside them.
I have been asked to explain the social ramifications that are printed in teenage magazines, and for someone my age this is quite a hard thing to establish but when looked into deeply it has become obvious that something is not completely right. To start my essay I looked in to what the phrase “social ramifications” actually means and came to the final conclusion that it’s a negative effect on the reader that makes the audience seem like what they are printing is what one has to be, possibly leading to no singularity among social groups. For example if a magazine aimed at teenage girls says “How to dress like a model” this will have an affect on all teenage girls who read the article. Many will become overwhelmed with the idea of looking like a model they will actually forget who they truly are.