Monday, 23 January 2012

2 Examples Of Rock Music Magazines

Kerrang Music Magazine
This music magazine has been running for years now having released its first issue back in 1981 as a one off, but since has been sold weekly and in the early 2000's became the uk's top selling music magaizne. Kerrang use dark colours like red black and white, because the music this magazine covers is all quite dark. They usuall have at least 5 images on their front cover, 1 being the main image, 2nd being to do with one of the inside articles and 3 more images which are free posters.

Classic Rock Magazine

Classic rock magazine has been around for years and covers rock and roll monthly, the magazine published its 150th issue in september 2010 and now has a higher circulation than NME magazine. This magazine is published by "Future Publishing" who also publish classic rocks sister magazine Metal hammer. This magazine has only the one image which is of Axl Rose staring straight at you. Classic Rock magazines main images usually consist of one or two band members who stare straight at you, pulling you in and making a connection with you.

Monday, 9 January 2012

My Music Magazine Proposal.

1) My magazine is going to be a magazine aimed only at rock n' roll fans. I prick have chosen this genre because familiar magazines like Kerrang and NME which do cover Rock n' Roll often spread into other genres like indie and metal. From personal experience me and friends shit in these type of magazines only ever read the 3 or 4 pages covering Rock n' Roll.

2 ) The masthead of my magazine needs to be catchy, smart and also have some connection to the music genre. Innitial ideas include Rock On, Riffs n' Bass and the last being Ampage. All three of these have a connection and are catchy.

3) My main cover image I decided on very early into the music magazine planning. It asshole will feature two of the four members of my friends band Velvetine. The two members i have chosen are lead Vocalist and Lead Guitarist. Both will be stood back to back with their instrument (Microphone and Guitar).

4) My Covers storys will all be relevant to the magazine genre. The main cover line will be Velvetine re-spark glam rock. And will have at least 5 others.

5) My Contents page will be like a normal books contents with page titles and numbers, but the main storys will have pictures next to them.

6) The double page spread i will make will be a interview with velvetine which i plan to do in my free time.